Apr 082011

This Corona’s for You!  

It’s Friday and we know a lot of you are going to crack open a beer… (A Corona Con Limon, perhaps?)

We aren’t even asking how the CRA ended up endorsing Bill Emmerson (who never met a budget trailer bill he didn’t like) over a more conservative opponent… (Note that Emmerson is one of the refuseniks against the Taxpayer Caucus)

Visit the below link to learn about Corona a city of 147,000 people. The only city in California with 8 CRA units inside and right next to it.


In honor of Friday – we present the delegations submitted by the the 8(!) CRA “units” in Corona:

Circle City RA 

1 from Sacramento County (over 450 miles away) 
2 from Placer County (over 450 miles away) 
2 from San Bernardino County (but not Corona)

Citrus RA 

1 from Placer County
1 from El Dorado County (over 450 miles away) 
2 from Orange County
1 from LA County

Corona Hills RA 

3 with no possible matches in Corona
1 from Nevada County (over 500 miles away) 
1 from Elk Grove (Sacramento County)

Norco RA 

1 from Orange County
2 from Placer County

Rimpau RA 

2 from Sacramento County
1 from Seal Beach
2 with no possible matches in Corona

South Corona RA 

1 from Riverside
1 from Sacramento
2 with no possible matches in Corona
1 from El Dorado County

Temescal Valley RA (I had to look this area up on a map):

1 from SB County (not Corona)
4 With no possible match in Corona
1 from Placer County (but is a member of Sac RA and did not notice her transfer)

West Corona RA 

2 from Sacramento County
3 from Orange County
1 with no possible match in Corona

This is enough to make you want to drink 8 Coronas, isn’t it?

No wonder they don’t want the credentials committee to see the unit rosters! 

Out of the “8 Coronas” we can barely identify enough people actually from Corona to make one CRA unit delegation!

Tired of the abuse of the CRA? Do you want this chicanery to stop? Support the Contract with the CRA and my candidacy for Membership Secretary.

True transparency can only be achieved by exposing fraud!

George E Park Jr.
CRA Vice President for Membership Secretary

The following candidates support the Contract with the CRA and recognize the critical importance of reforming the CRA to ensure that we grow our membership, increase our strength while maintaining the integrity of the CRA – won’t you join the team?

Celeste Greig – President
Karl Heft – Vice President
Cliff Wagner – Vice President
Tim Thiesen – Vice President
Bob Kowell – Vice President
Mike Zimmerman – Vice President
Tom Hudson – Vice President
George E. Park, Jr. – Membership Secretary
Craig Alexander – Recording Secretary
Janine Heft – Corresponding Secretary
Sam Cannon – Voter Registration Secretary
Baron Night – Assistant Treasurer
Aaron F Park – Sgt at Arms
Angel Zarobinski – National Committeewoman

Join us by signing the Contract with the CRA here:

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