Why did the CRA Board approve the residency rule by over 2 to 1?
There is a good reason why the CRA Board of Directors took a stand against fraud in the CRA. There is also a really good reason why Restore the CRA ran to a lawyer and why they chose to hide their unit rosters.
The Credentials Committee’s function is to certify to the convention that all delegates and alternates are properly credentialed as delegates to the CRA convention. Part of that process is verifying unit membership. The membership rosters were requested multiple times from Membership Secretary Peggy Mew, so that the Credentials Committee could review them for purposes of delegate and alternate verification. Peggy flatly refused to send the membership lists and related data, even though she could site no section of the bylaws giving her the authority to deny the release of the requested data to the committee.
Ms. Mew has consistently refused to give the Credentials Committee the information that we need to complete the job that we have been tasked with under the CRA bylaws.This leaves the Credentials Committee without the information needed to certify that the delegates and alternates submitted are in good order and have complied with the CRA bylaws. The Committee has requested and is now receiving unit rosters from each unit directly in order to accomplish our mission.
I want to provide you with a few examples of what the Credentials Committee research team has found in Northern California:
Yolo County RA:
Karen England and Paolo Sibaja – both Candidates for CRA office from Roseville (in Placer County) are listed as delegates.
Neither Karen England nor her husband notified the Placer CRA of their intent to transfer, which is clearly not in compliance with the CRA bylaws.
5 of 6 Yolo County RA delegates are from Placer County over 50 miles away.
Yolo’s alternates are a who’s who of Meg Whitman / Team Arnold staff – Todd Cranney, Michael Saragosa, and Pete Conaty.
There are considerable questions as to whether the Yolo RA even has unit meetings! The Yolo County RA is not even listed as an active club on the Yolo GOP website.
Yuba County RA:
This is another unit, like Yolo County that was chartered by then CRA VP Karen England and current VP Meredith Turney. They do not have meetings and refuse new members according to first hand accounts in the county.
Mark Spannagel, his wife, and his in-laws live in Placer County which is over 40 miles away.
Sue and Bruce Horne live in Nevada County over 60 miles away. (Sue Horne is the Nevada County Assessor)
There is no one listed on the Yuba County RA delegate roster who lives in the county at all.
How does a unit get to 25 Members if it does not meet, they do not live in the county and their own central committee did not know the Yuba County RA even existed.
Gilroy RA –
Sara Blicharz – Lives in Stockton, San Joaquin County, Candidate for CRA Office.
Maria England – Lives in Lodi, San Joaquin County, Candidate for CRA Office
Kim Paragoris – Lives in Lodi , San Joaquin county, She transferred from the San Joaquin County RA without the proper notice that is provisioned in the bylaws.
That makes a total of at least Four Candidates brought to you by the Restore the CRA slate that do not live in the territory of their home units!
True conservatives stamp out fraud when they see it. If the above troubles you – there is a solution, stand up to the lawyers and join the Contract with the CRA. The Contract with the CRA team will put an end to this sort of fraud once and for all.
I need your support to win my election for CRA Membership Secretary. Help me stamp out the rampant fraud in the CRA units and membership.
George E Park, Jr.
CRA Vice President – Candidate for Membership Secretary
The following candidates support the Contract with the CRA and recognize the critical importance of reforming the CRA to ensure that we grow our membership, increase our strength while maintaining the integrity of the CRA – won’t you join the team?
Celeste Greig – President
Karl Heft – Vice President
Cliff Wagner – Vice President
Tim Thiesen – Vice President
Bob Kowell – Vice President
Mike Zimmerman – Vice President
Tom Hudson – Vice President
George E. Park, Jr. – Membership Secretary
Craig Alexander – Recording Secretary
Janine Heft – Corresponding Secretary
Sam Cannon – Voter Registration Secretary
Baron Night – Assistant Treasurer
Aaron F Park – Sgt at Arms
Angel Zarobinski – National Committeewoman
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