Have you heard the latest whining from Barbara Boxer? Carly’s rich, its’ not fair! What?
Barbara Boxer – trustee of a Blind trust with $1M – $5M in Assets in it.
$100K-$250K in cash laying around in the bank. (Click here for source data)
$17 Million in her campaign account. (or raised thus far – whatever)
California Campaign Chair worth more money than the combined networth of 95% of my Home Zip Code.
$1M house in the Washington DC Area
$500K Golf Course Condo in California…
And Boxer is PO’ed because Carly wrote herself a check for campaign money? This is the same desperation of Jerry Brown who is whining about Meg Whitman’s money.
(Imagine what Barbara Boxer would say about Darrell Issa? #2 on the top 50 list behind John Kerry)
Problem one – Jerry Brown’s house is not exactly a 2000 square foot suburban home .
Problem two – while Boxer is confiding in her shrink at CBS about how troubled she is over Fiorina’s wealth…
Her California Team consists of
California Congresswoman Jane Harman – number 3 on the list.
The aforementioned Senator Dianne Feinstein – number 9 on the list.
Nancy Pelosi – number 23 on the list.
Don’t take my word for it – click here to see CQ’s list of evil capitalist Washington types.
Honorable Mention – Kool-Aid survivor and good buddy of Barbara Boxer, Jackie Speier checks in at #47.
Here’s what happens when you toss bricks in glass houses – you find that the strong majority (28-22) on the top 50 list are DEMOCRATS. (With 8 of the top 10)
Boxer. What a hypocrite. She has 5 times most people’s annual income in the bank and she’s whining about someone’s hard-earned money.
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