Mar 162010

Please refer to page four of the embedded .pdf to see the 26-7 vote in the State Senate. (NOES (7)—Senators Aanestad, Denham, Ducheny, Florez, Runner, Wyland, and Yee.)

That’s right. Conservative “Icon” Chuck DeVore tweeted while he was abstaining in the legislature the day of Maldo’s first Confirmation hearing…

@ejschultz3 Teamwork – the Assembly GOP Caucus decided to support Maldonado.

The Man who would be the next Tom McClintock, just ain’t it. Abstaining is the same thing as voting to confirm Maldonado. I don’t buy the notion of trying to grab middle ground. McClintock would have voted no.

Nice – and DeVore participates in throwing Sam Aanestad – a true conservative and someone who endorsed him for US Senate under the bus…

Carly Fiorina made sure convention attenders got a look at the hypocricy from Chuck DeVore.

I think this particular action by the Republicans in the State Assembly is deplorable and DeVore proves that he walks in lock-step with leadership, playing both sides while portraying himself as a maverick.

As a result of the Republican leadership – they have assured that Abel Maldonado will get millions of dollars worth of Air Time while people are getting their absentee ballots in the mail. (Maldo’s confirmation 2.0 is going down in May)

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  9 Responses to “Chuck DeVore Slammed at Both CRA and CRP Convention for Supporting Serial Tax-Raiser Abel Maldonado”

  1. Question #1 – Are you being paid, in any way, by anyone remotely related to the Fiorina campaign?

    Question #2 – Is it true the Senator Aanestad abstained on the same vote?

    “Abstaining is the same thing as voting to confirm Maldonado. I don’t buy the notion of trying to grab middle ground.” – Aaron Park

  2. Karen – thanks for reading this blog.

    I have no financial relationship with the Fiorina Campaign, it’s surrogates, it’s independent contractors and/or otherwise… although she is welcome to hire me if she wants to. Chuck DeVore has Chuck DeVore to thank for the problem outlined in this post.

    Senator Aanestad, along with Runner and a few others in the State Senate did indeed vote NO.

  3. Aaron,
    I spoke with Sam’s office today – he abstained.

  4. BTW – I know you are not currently being paid for your work with the PCRA but you may want to update the web site as the last update (with the exception of a link to your personal, pay-for-play blog) was on Aug 31, 2008.

  5. Aaron,
    Someone needs to let his staff know he voted no. On March 12, 20210 at 11:53 am I contacted his office at 916-651-4004 and was told he abstained on the Maldanado conformation.

  6. Someone needs to let Chuck know he’s at 9% in the polls. DeVore needs to generate some buzz… skewering Maldo would go a long ways…

    Aanestad abstained in committee but not on the floor – so they may have been referencing the wrong votes.

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